Santa Cruz Math Circle

The Santa Cruz Math Circle is a weekly math meeting for students in grades 5th through 8th who love math. Each week students meet with mathematical professionals in an informal setting to work on interesting problems or topics in mathematics. The instructors are mathematicians, scientists and engineers who use math every day and many of them have their PhD in math. Math Circles are designed to be interactive and focus on problem solving. The topics covered in a Math Circle are not normally included in the standard classroom curriculum. You can learn more about math circles at the National Association of Math Circles website.

fall 2024 Santa Cruz Math Circle
Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon
at Cabrillo College, Building 300
october 19 through november 23, 2024

Tuition is $150. Financial assistance is available.
REgister Here

If you are interested in volunteering to teach, assist with teaching or helping with logistics, contact

The X Academy receives funding from the Sylvester-Meister Foundation, the Monterey Peninsula Foundation and individual donations from parents, friends and family.